If you would like to request use of the facility, please use the form below to make that request. You can also download and complete the form as a pdf and email it to info@redemptionjax.church.
The application and individual executing this application hereby waive any and all claims, demands, and causes of action that they may have against Redemption Church as a result of the use of the church facilities pursuant to this application. The applicant and the individuals executing this application shall indemnify and hold harmless Redemption Church and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all costs of litigation arising out of or associated with the use of the church property by the applicant, its members, guest, employees, and agents pursuant to this application.
It is further agreed that no use of alcohol, tobacco, or any other products that may be contrary to the beliefs and reputation of Redemption Church is allowed. There will be no flammable or dangerous objects used in any of our facilities. There also may be fees assessed at the discretion of the church for single or long-term use and to cover depreciation of the building. Such fee schedule will be determined by the Redemption Church elders and, if needed, evaluated every few months to ensure proper maintenance and condition of the building is maintained. The church has the right to deny, limit, and terminate any application. Signature of this application also means that the applicant agrees to the following terms of use:
Our signature below signifies we agree to such terms and will comply with any and all policies and regulations in the use of your church property.